Hydraulics Bench Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in Kenya
Product Code : LSK-HAP-10576
Lss Kenya is a leading Hydraulics Bench Manufacturer,suppliers and Exporter in Kenya
Hydraulics Bench
The Hydraulic Bench is designed as a portable and self-contained service module for the range of accessories to carry out experimentation on principles of Fluid Mechanics.
The hydraulic bench is a very useful apparatus in hydraulics and fluid mechanics.
We have Export Quality Hydraulic Bench for Fluid Mechanics Laboratory.
The wide range of accessories is available for use with Hydraulic Bench that covers a number of experiments to study principles of fluid mechanics.
The whole set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted structure.
Flow measurement by Orificemeter
Flow over Notch
Orifice and Mouth Piece
Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus
Flow measurement by Venturi meter
Losses due to Friction in Pipe Line
Losses in Pipe Fitting
Impact of Jet on Vane
Study of Pressure Measurement
Pitot Tube
Free Vortex Apparatus
Flow Measurement: Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs.
Sump Tank Capacity
Water Circulation 1 HP Pump, Crompton.
Stop Watch Electronic.
Instruction Manual: An English instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus Tanks and Top Tray will be made of Stainless Steel.
Control Panel Comprises of Standard make On-Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc